‘Der kleine Prinz’ (GDR, 1966/72, directed by Konrad Wolf)
© DEFA-Stiftung | Rudolf Meister
Film:ReStored_03. The Film Heritage Festival
Porgram brochure (PDF 1 MB)
The third installment of the film heritage festival Film:ReStored will take place at the Filmhaus on Potsdamer Platz, a special event organized by the Deutsche Kinemathek for the Kinematheksverbund (association of German cinematheques).
Digitally restored films will be screened across four days, in part as premieres. Lectures and workshop reports dedicate themselves to questions about the digitalization of film heritage. The third edition of Film:ReStored will address the interplay of film and television archives within the traditions of dealing with film heritage. Without the contributions of television, German film history since the 1960s would look considerably different. Much of what became possible in New German Cinema is also owed to the engagement of individual TV editors, who have continuously supported such works over decades and who have had an influence on both careers and developments in the genre. It seems all the more necessary to consider television and film history together and to develop cooperative strategies to bring dormant treasures back to life on screen. Some of these will be shown again for the first time as part of the Film:ReStored_03 program.