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The State I Am In

Die innere Sicherheit, G 2000, directed by Christian Petzold, 106 min, rated: 12

Jeanne is the 15-year-old daughter of a former terrorist couple who has been on the run abroad for some time. She longs for normality and contact with her peers. When she falls in love with Heinrich and her parents come under increasing pressure, the cohesion of the family, essential for their life underground, breaks down: Jeanne’s parents want to flee to Brazil to escape the noose that is tightening around them. But Jeanne wants to live in the here and now and live her own life. An award-winning film with a great trio of actors – Julia Hummer, Barbara Auer, and Richy Müller.

Featuring: Julia Hummer, Barbara Auer, Richy Müller, Rogério Jaques, Bilge Bingül, Mario João Luís, Vasco Machado, Noberto Paula, Bernd Tauber, Katharina Schüttler