‘Women’s Camera’ (Kamera-Tutorial von DFFB-Studentinnen), West Germany 1971, directed by Gardi Deppe, Barbara Kasper, Brigitte Krause, Ingrid Oppermann and Tamara Wyss
DFFB Archive
General information
To the Online Presentation (in German)
DFFB Archive
Connie Betz
Head of Collections
+49 30 300903-40
cbetz [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (cbetz[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)
Since its founding in 1966, the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB) has always worked closely with the Deutsche Kinemathek. All films created at the DFFB are archived at the Deutsche Kinemathek and included in its lending program. Unpublished archival material from the DFFB forms the heart of the multi-media collection at dffb-archiv.de, which is maintained by the Deutsche Kinemathek. The archive is organized by narrative medium, with videos, photos and audio galleries opening up access for a broad public to fascinating essays, interviews, biographies and histories. The wealth of information also presents many possibilities for research into the almost 50 years of colorful DFFB history. Roughly 2,300 titles have been gathered for online publication, with over 70 productions available for viewing in their full length, including early works from Hartmut Bitomsky, Carlos Bustamante, Harun Farocki, Edna Politi and Helke Sander. These productions and supporting documentation reveal the special factors and teaching concepts employed at one of Germany's oldest film schools. The website's concept plays on the political turmoil and maturation process at work in postwar West Germany, highlighting the DFFB's role as a seismograph for political, cultural and aesthetic flows within Berlin's cultural life during the past fifty years.